Welcome to the McDonald's Texas Invitational Basketball Tournament!
Regarded as one of the nation’s premier high-school basketball tournaments, the McDonald’s Texas Invitational features 48 boys and 32 girls teams selected from among the best in Texas. The early-season showcase features nearly 200 games played over three days at 10 venues.
All proceeds support the Pasadena ISD and Deer Park ISD Education Foundations.
The Pasadena ISD Education Foundation has been created to support educational programs for both the students and staff of the district. The foundation provides funds for educational programs and activities which either have not been funded or have been under-funded by the normal operating budget.
Distributed to teachers who apply in the form of mini-grants, the funds are used to facilitate innovative teaching strategies, energize student achievement and skill development, recognize and encourage staff excellence and expand community involvement from individuals, businesses and civic organizations.
We hope you enjoy your stay. Please explore the links on the left to learn more about Pasadena and Deer Park.